Saturday, March 22, 2014


for life: the essential survival food

As the days wind on, it seems like the world is getting more, and still more crazy. Seemingly imperceptible changes have taken place over the years to finally affect every facet of life. It seems we have arrived at an impasse, yet the madness continues and we're always on the edge of our seats wondering, "What next?" In the meantime, we are continually bombarded from every angle;

Threats to our environment: with aluminum, strontium and other harmful chemically-laden chemtrails. The radiation threat from Japan’s nuclear plant...Monsanto’s genetically altered "food" and the war against our Right to Know...And the list goes on...

Politically speaking: the governmental shutdown and its secret agenda, causing a disruption in our already-crippled economy and pushing it further into the abyss. “Obamacare,” the new health mandate that is being forced down our throats. Plus the many other political issues that divert our minds and attention, from “Republicans” vs. “Democrats” to illegal immigrants getting drivers’ licenses to the Chinese buying up American businesses and soil. Can’t forget to mention an ever-impending war: on Syria, on drugs, on homelessness, on terror, etc., etc.
There are too many issues going on that it makes my head swim. Some of these are just too unreal but in some way has or will have an effect on each one of us personally. Maybe you have already felt it. I know that I have. Rather than feeling helpless and perhaps more than a bit paranoid at times, I feel encouraged to press on because I know how it will all end. My hopes are centered on Christ, and I don’t need to worry because it’s all been spelled out. Knowing this, does that make it easier to go through these rough times? Yes, because I am not alone. I’m with the One who is in control of it all. Hang on, because it’s going to get rougher and life as we know it will change in ways we cannot imagine.
For now, getting prepared both spiritually and physically occupies the time productively. We can get prepared now and in this way be a help to those who have not had the knowledge or understanding to prepare. This article was written because nutrition is an important factor not only in terms of survival, but being able to survive with our sanity intact. Good nutrition feeds our cells so that we can think and act rationally; a very necessary consideration in light of these troublous times.





Let’s do all we can do to keep healthy and keep on finding ways to become healthier.

If you are reading this article, chances are that you are already aware of the current situation in our world and what we are faced with, to a lesser or a larger degree. Maybe you have already taken steps to prepare by purchasing and storing those things you might find essential should something happen to take our dependence off of the “grid,” whether through natural disaster or some other circumstance. You got your buckets of rice and beans stored up to last 25 years. And a few ways to cook them. You have your water filtration system in place. You even have an assortment of organic, heirloom seeds. You’ve got this and perhaps more. You might be at a point where you’re thinking you want to have some back-ups for your back-ups. Have you thought about sprouting?


Consider adding fresh, home-grown sprouts to your diet.  They are:

Nutritious: we need fresh, living foods to be healthy. Sprouting makes seeds, grains, beans, and nuts more nutritious and digestible by neutralizing enzyme inhibitors, removing anti-nutrients (phytates), and increasing their vitamin (vitamins A, B, C and E) and mineral content (like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron) through the simple act of germination. They are also high in protein, easy to digest and detoxifying to the body system--important in an increasingly toxic world!

Quick & Easy to Grow: minimal time and effort is involved to grow fresh sprouts and it takes just a few days to a week to enjoy the harvest.

Tasty & Adds Variety to Diet: there are many types of seeds and many ways to use sprouts in our diets.

Economical: costs just pennies per serving.

Excellent for Long-Term Storage: packaged and stored under the right conditions, seeds can last for years. 

Garden-Plantable: seeds can be planted in the garden to grow to maturity for consumption, or to reproduce seed.

Sprouting is a great way to supplement your diet with fresh, complete nutrition and to add variety to your meals. When not much produce from your garden is available during the winter season, leafy sprouts are an excellent substitute to provide your body with necessary nutrition, but you will still want to enjoy them year round as an addition to your fresh food supply. Sprouts are very economical, costing just pennies per serving and are very easy and quick to grow. And because the seeds store well for long periods of time, they are a great addition to your food storage system. Purchase only organic, non-hybrid sprouting seeds and use the same methods for long-term food storage to preserve this valuable commodity for future use. 


Types of Sprouters:

  • Glass mason jar with cheesecloth, screen, or plastic screen lid (pre-made).
  • Hemp bags
  • Wire mesh strainer                                             
  • Sprouting trays: there are many types, sizes, styles to choose from.
Using a nylon mesh screen or cheesecloth fitted over a glass mason jar and held by a rubber band is the most economical. Otherwise, plastic screens that screw onto the tops of a standard wide-mouth mason jar are available at a low cost. These plastic screens are also available with different size holes depending on the type of seed being sprouted. There are also special sprouting trays available if you choose, as well as the more expensive automated watering-type sprouting trays. 100% hemp drawstring bags are also available to use and are best for sprouting larger seeds such as grains or beans. Wire mesh strainers are useful for sprouting larger amounts of the bigger seeds such as buckwheat and lentils. Whatever types of sprouters you choose, you will find it easy to do once you know the basic method.

What Can We Sprout?

Leafy sprouts are the most popular sprouts and are best eaten raw. Beans and Grains are best sprouted until a tail appears and then cooked, though many people do enjoy them and their health benefits when used raw in recipes. Nuts and seeds can be sprouted (rather, soaked) and used in recipes or dried using a dehydrator. Technically not sprouts, “microgreens” are miniature plants harvested a young stage after a few leaves have developed past the cotyledons (first leaves), and have a longer growth time- two to three weeks. They are germinated in a soil medium whereas sprouts use water. They are generally eaten as a salad and more often than not used as garnish in dining establishments. Whether sprouts or microgreens, they still contain up to 50 times more the nutrition than its mature counterpart.

Amount of Seeds

The amount of seed to use for one sprouting session largely depends on the size of the seed. It is best to follow the recommended directions on the individual packaging or with the use of a handy chart, although you’ll find that generally 2-3 tablespoons per batch are used.


Pre-soaking and soaking seeds
· For best results and optimum health benefits, use only certified organic seed.
· Pre-soak seeds with a solution of clean water and 1 capful of hydrogen peroxide or 1 drop of grapefruit seed extract to kill microbes that may be present on the seeds.
· Some sprout seed companies recommend using bleach to kill microbes. Do not use bleach! Bleach is a known dioxin that doesn’t break down, it is a carcinogen as well, and kills the good bacteria not only the bad.
· After pre-soaking in the solution for 10 minutes, drain and rinse the seeds a couple times then add water to cover by at least four times the amount of seed; soak for 6-12 hours. During this time, germination starts and seeds will swell as they take up water so the enzymatic and sprouting process begins.


After the recommended time for soaking, drain the seeds. If you are using sprout trays, then pour the seeds into the tray and rinse generously with water and draining well. If you are using a jar with a screen lid, you will most likely have soaked your seeds directly in the jar. Drain through the screen and add fresh water to rinse. Then drain well and place the jar upside-down at an angle in a bowl. Place your sprouting trays or jar in a location away from direct sunlight in a cool and well-ventilated place. Do not place in a closet for it needs good air circulation. A good place is in the corner of your kitchen on the countertop.

Rinsing and Removing Hulls

Rinse your sprouts 2-3 times a day, draining well each time. Rinsing once in the morning and once in the evening is usually sufficient, but sometimes an extra rinse or two is useful. You may find that some types of seed need this, or if you’re located in hot and humid conditions, they do better with the extra rinses. Be sure to drain the trays or jar well and continue to allow for proper drainage as it sits. Standing water in the seeds or roots allows for bacterial growth to develop.


Leafy sprouts are ready in about 5-7 days depending on air temperature. The warmer it is, the faster they will grow. Once your leafy sprouts have developed to the stage where they are ready to be eaten, they will need a little time in sunlight in order to develop chlorophyll. It is interesting to note that chlorophyll, the blood of plants, has a one molecule difference than our blood. Where we have an iron molecule, chlorophyll has magnesium. The great majority of Americans today are seriously lacking in this vital mineral. Can our bodies use the magnesium sprouts have to provide? Emphatically, yes!
Other than the leafy types of sprouts, the beans, grains, and nuts when sprouted, do not need to have chlorophyll development in most cases. Most seeds in these categories are ready to consume or use in recipes once a tail can be seen (usually a day to a day and a half of sprouting time). However, it is recommended that tails are not grown past ¼” to ½”. Once a tail has developed, store it in the refrigerator until needed. The sprouts continue to grow in the refrigerator, so use quickly.


Maintaining good hygiene practices are important so wash and sanitize sprouting equipment each time you are done using them. If not cleaned and sanitized well, bacteria may grow and cause crop failure. After washing with hot, soapy water and rinsing well, shake out the excess water and give a good spray of hydrogen peroxide. Some types of sprouters are dishwasher safe, so in this case the dishwasher can do the sanitizing for you. Air dry well before starting your next batch of sprouts.

Storing Sprouts

When storing your ready-to-eat sprouts, be sure to rinse and drain them very well. Sprouts can keep very well for a long period of time refrigerated if there is no excess water and placed in a clean, airtight container. Some sprouts can be kept this way for many weeks with the exception of sprouts like mung beans--their high water content makes them perishable in a short time. Rinse and drain sprouts well once again before consuming, making sure they do not feel slimy or smell “off.” If in doubt, throw them out.  

Storing Seeds

When purchasing your seed or storing the balance of unused seed, they should be stored in a cool and dry place. In order to extend their viability, package them in enclosed glass containers such as mason jars with lids, along with a moisture absorber packet. For long-term storage, the seeds themselves do better when removed from their original packaging and placed in mylar-sealed bags. (Be sure to label!) They can be placed in a freezer to maximize the length of storage time, or in a refrigerator as well. For seeds that I use on a regular basis, I store them in the refrigerator in a jar. Since moisture is undesirable while storing, be sure to put the seeds back in the fridge right away after taking them out to use them. The condensation can inhibit their growth.

Commonly Asked Questions:

Q: Is this mold on my sprouts?
A: In rare instances, there may be a mold problem. Otherwise, it can be mistaken for mold (see next question below). This is how the problem of mold is best tackled. I let my experienced friend from Handy Pantry supply this response:
Sometimes seeds have a little mold on the outside depending on the crop and what time of year it was harvested. As long as you rinse really well before you eat them you should be okay, but make sure to smell them as well. You can really tell when sprouts are not good for eating. They get a funky smell. With Broccoli it is already a little stinky, so just be sure it doesn’t smell rancid. One thing you can do on your next batch is to add a little, grapefruit seed extract or a ½ to 1 capful of hydrogen peroxide to your water when you are doing the initial soak. This will kill any mold spores that may be on the husk of the seeds. If you don’t want to use either of those, you can add a little lemon juice as well. It is not as strong, but will help. Also be sure that you are not over soaking and that when you rinse you are really mixing the seeds around so that they are exposed to the fresh water and air and that they are draining well. You don’t want the broccoli especially to be sitting in standing water.
Q: If it’s not mold, what else can it be?
A: I took this extreme close-up shot of some radish sprouts that had been growing about four days. You'd be able to see the radish seeds shedding their reddish-brown hulls. My favorite thing about the growing radish sprouts is how the roots grow a fuzz of tiny hairs questing after water. When I rinse them the water will weigh the hairs down and temporarily stick them to the sides of the main trunk of the root. A good zoom lens is able to see the effect in much better detail than the human eye. Certain types of sprouts like radish and broccoli tend to have these fuzzy roots fooling people into thinking it is mold.

If you have a question on sprouting, please leave it in the comment box and I'll do my best to help.  Thanks for reading my informational article and I hope it inspires you to get sprouting...for life!

Monday, February 4, 2013

It Is Foretold: The French Revolution To Be Repeated In U.S.

As you read throught the following texts, think to yourself if you do not already see the scenes prior to the French Revolution being repeated today. This excerpt is taken from the book entitled The Great Controversy by E.G. White; 1911 edition. You are encouraged to study it out further.

"With the flight of the Huguenots a general decline settled upon France. Flourishing manufacturing cities fell into decay; fertile districts returned to their native wildness; intellectual dullness and moral declension succeeded a period of unwonted progress. Paris became one vast almshouse, and it is estimated that, at the breaking out of the Revolution, two hundred thousand paupers claimed charity from the hands of the king. The Jesuits alone flourished in the decaying nation, and ruled with dreadful tyranny over churches and schools, the prisons and the galleys." {GC 279.2}

Get ready America.

For a free copy of The Great Controversy by E.G. White, go ahead and send me a message and I'll get it to you.  Click on my blogger profile to the right, then email me.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thermal Cooking

We have found that having a thermal cooker has been indispensible in our kitchen. Using it saves time, saves electricity, saves money, saves resources. This will be an especially valuable tool when the power goes out and you find that you still need to cook meals.

The first time I heard of such a thing was at a seminar where one of the speakers talked about why country living and learning to live independently was so important for the times we live in. (Check out for more information). A guest in the audience was brought up and she presented a "Wonderbox." This non-electric, fireless, thermal cooker was made out of a large plastic container with a lid, and insulating material placed inside. Your pot of food, which has already been heated on a cooking source, is nestled within the insulating material and covered with more insulating material, then covered. It is left to continue cooking using the retained heat. I really liked the idea, and so set about to make my own. I got as far as buying the plastic container, but at the time there wasn't information on how to sew your own insulation. I just couldn't figure out what the best material would be to use for insulation.

As I continued my research on the subject, I learned that in recent history, pioneers of the Old West utilized thermal cooking because of their limited resources. Thermal cookers were made using a simple box which could house a cooking pot, usually the insulating material was hay, and so they were called "hay boxes." Moving on through history, in the early 1900's some homes were equipped with "fireless cookers." These were made to not be portable, but as a standard kitchen appliance they were usually made out of wood or steel. The concept is the same although the design of the cooker changed. Currently, the concept of the haybox, or fireless cooker is being utilized in third world countries because of the common lack of resources. A simple internet search using any of these terms; thermal cooker, fireless cooker, haybox, non-electic cookers, or retained-heat cooking will turn up results and you can make your own, if you so choose. Also, it is good information to know so that should the need arise, you could improvise just knowing the basics.

Well, I finally came upon what I consider a more ingenuous ways of achieving the same goal by more modern standards. Because our family tends to do a bit of traveling, whether it be road trips, day trips, or family outings, a thermal cooker was the best solution for us because of the small amount of space it takes compared to making my own. However, I find that I do use it at home quite a bit as well.

Usually called thermal cookers, this appliance looks like a large Thermos. Within the Thermos-like container is an inner pot or pots, depending on the sizes. They are normally made of stainless steel and commonly triple-ply clad. This type of pot does even more to retain heat when placed within the container. There are different types and brands of thermal cookers, and you would have to research it out to find the one you prefer based on price, quality, style, and size. I have not tried them all. In fact, I've only tried one, and that's the one that I have. I'm completely biased because I am so happy with my decision. (Check out for quality thermal cookers and more). My top pick of thermal cookers:

Food does take longer to cook this way (--think, "slow cooker"), so it does take a bit of planning ahead, but the benefits are worth it. No more burnt food, having to watch over it, or boiling over. Having a cooker with two smaller inner pots has been useful. In one pot, I put on brown rice. In the other pot, maybe a vegetable stew, or seasoned beans, or lentil pottage. Here is how I would prepare a quick meal in the morning to have at lunchtime. (It can even hold over until dinnertime-no overcooking and it keeps it hot!)

In one smaller inner pot, saute chopped onion, garlic, leeks, celery, and carrots. When softened, add rinsed lentils and water- enough to cover the lentils and vegetables. Add in some tomato sauce and seasonings, like a bay leaf, tarragon, etc. and don't forget salt. Bring it to a boil.

While the lentils are set to boil, prepare your rice by rinsing and adding the appropriate amount of water. Also bring this to a boil. Allow both pots to boil for 5-10 minutes before placing the covers on and putting it into the outer thermal pot. Close the lid, and lock the handle in place or make sure that it is closed securely. It'll be ready to enjoy in just a couple of hours.

One note is that when you are preparing your recipes you will need to adjust the liquid content. Thermal cooking requires less liquid because there isn't much loss from evaporation.

Oh, and if you would rather use the thermal pot to keep cold items cold, that works too!

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We hope you will be blessed by the thoughts and information presented here and encouraged to strive for the mastery to obtain the incorruptible crown (1 Cor. 9:25).